My sister watched a pirated dvd the other day, so now im worried that i'm banned from live. Although I have yet to connect to Live so theres no real way of finding out if i got banned
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My sister watched a pirated dvd the other day, so now im worried that i'm banned from live. Although I have yet to connect to Live so theres no real way of finding out if i got banned
No - movies don't have the same encoding as software. Not that the software encoding is that great either at the moment - they can tell if you modded your console or are playing a game on live before the games release - but that's about it.
Watching a burnt movie will not get you banned unless you announce it and someone from MS get's mad at you. LOL
But yeah - don't worry you won't get banned - I just wouldn't talk about it anymore because...
Pirating is bad. ;)
What if Bill Gates is scrolling through the forums right now and saw your post?ProductNumber49
Then he can eat beans. The copyright for whatever movie you watched was broken, and if someone from that studio is reading they could technicly be very angry and possibly even sue. But no way no how does it have anything to do with Bill Gates, what you watch on your console is none of his business, and nothing to do with XBL.
None of the Xbox LIVE terms or conditions were breached, and so he might not like it, but unless he owns whatever studio produced that movie theres nothing he can do about it, anything that does happen to you would be discrimination and you in turn could then sue Microsoft.
Best thing to do: Don't pirate anything.
Just like games, real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film, and as such, if you want to watch it, you should buy it, not steal it.
real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
Okay, if all films suck, you go make a great one and prove how awful they are hmm? Should be easy right? Since they all suck so much?
[QUOTE="diablobasher"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
Okay, if all films suck, you go make a great one and prove how awful they are hmm? Should be easy right? Since they all suck so much?
He's got a point though. Just like the music industry. Most artists get squat from CD/Record sales. That money goes to the record labels. The artists in alot of cases end up /owing/ money to the label. Most artists make their money doing live shows.
[QUOTE="diablobasher"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
Okay, if all films suck, you go make a great one and prove how awful they are hmm? Should be easy right? Since they all suck so much?
Nah see i'll leave that to a friend of mine who actually DOES have talent in that field.
However if you want to replace 'film' with 'game' i'll be happy to oblige right after i get through uni.
[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="diablobasher"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
Okay, if all films suck, you go make a great one and prove how awful they are hmm? Should be easy right? Since they all suck so much?
Nah see i'll leave that to a friend of mine who actually DOES have talent in that field.
However if you want to replace 'film' with 'game' i'll be happy to oblige right after i get through uni.
AKA, you are in no position to claim all films suck. Seriously, from last year alone, did War Dance, Pride, Steel City, Lust Caution, Darfur Now, Severance, Terror's Advocate, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Persepolis, Eastern Promises, God Grew Tired Of Us, Tears Of The Black Tiger, Wristcutters: A Love Story, Black Snake Moan, Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman, or Behind The Mask suck? Where most "corporate" funded? Where movies like The Diving Bell and the Butterfly not artistic? Right.
So, don't pirate movies. If you are like diabloblasher and simply hate movies, don't watch them.
[QUOTE="diablobasher"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="diablobasher"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]real money/talent/time/artistry goes into making a film
lol. Maybe 5% of them, if that.
The last film i ever heard of the REAL money went into, and not some corperate backing rubbish was Clerks when Kev Smith sold his car and maxed out his credit card to pay for filming it.
As for talent and artistry, what a load of rubbish, creativity in the film industry died out years ago, and i've not seen a decent actor in anything since Lord of the Rings.
Okay, if all films suck, you go make a great one and prove how awful they are hmm? Should be easy right? Since they all suck so much?
Nah see i'll leave that to a friend of mine who actually DOES have talent in that field.
However if you want to replace 'film' with 'game' i'll be happy to oblige right after i get through uni.
AKA, you are in no position to claim all films suck. Seriously, from last year alone, did War Dance, Pride, Steel City, Lust Caution, Darfur Now, Severance, Terror's Advocate, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Persepolis, Eastern Promises, God Grew Tired Of Us, Tears Of The Black Tiger, Wristcutters: A Love Story, Black Snake Moan, Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman, or Behind The Mask suck? Where most "corporate" funded? Where movies like The Diving Bell and the Butterfly not artistic? Right.
So, don't pirate movies. If you are like diabloblasher and simply hate movies, don't watch them.
The funniest thing about this argument is that it started with you not reading the OP right. He said it was his sister not him.
The funniest thing about this argument is that it started with you not reading the OP right. He said it was his sister not him.
Yeah, my "friend's uncle's sister's dog's breeder's second wife's drama professor's emu farm hand" played one too. If it wasn't him playing the pirated crap, he wouldn't have posted. So, yes, I read his post.
[QUOTE="LRP85"]The funniest thing about this argument is that it started with you not reading the OP right. He said it was his sister not him.
Yeah, my "friend's uncle's sister's dog's breeder's second wife's drama professor's emu farm hand" played one too. If it wasn't him playing the pirated crap, he wouldn't have posted. So, yes, I read his post.
So you are saying that if you found out that some one had played/watched a pirated movie and you wanted to know what was going to happen that you would not tell them it was some one else? I am not saying that it was not him, but not everyone is making something up just to make them look better.
[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="LRP85"]The funniest thing about this argument is that it started with you not reading the OP right. He said it was his sister not him.
Yeah, my "friend's uncle's sister's dog's breeder's second wife's drama professor's emu farm hand" played one too. If it wasn't him playing the pirated crap, he wouldn't have posted. So, yes, I read his post.
So you are saying that if you found out that some one had played/watched a pirated movie and you wanted to know what was going to happen that you would not tell them it was some one else? I am not saying that it was not him, but not everyone is making something up just to make them look better.
Well, I know if someone is pirating something, they aren't going to admit to doing it. Seriously now.
[QUOTE="LRP85"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="LRP85"]The funniest thing about this argument is that it started with you not reading the OP right. He said it was his sister not him.
Yeah, my "friend's uncle's sister's dog's breeder's second wife's drama professor's emu farm hand" played one too. If it wasn't him playing the pirated crap, he wouldn't have posted. So, yes, I read his post.
So you are saying that if you found out that some one had played/watched a pirated movie and you wanted to know what was going to happen that you would not tell them it was some one else? I am not saying that it was not him, but not everyone is making something up just to make them look better.
Well, I know if someone is pirating something, they aren't going to admit to doing it. Seriously now.
Ya because they can do something to you even though they have no idea who you are or were you live. I am just saying that he could be telling the truth. I would have no problem saying it was me if it was. I also don't think that anyone should pirate anything either. I am not trying to start anything.
You just made it easier for the feds to find out who has pirated things. They will now trace your IP to your house and arrest you. They will also smash your X-Box!
I'm kidding. You'll be fine
Don't worry about watching pirated movies on your box, I do it ALL the time. As for andrew_xavier saying not to pirate anything you don't really need to be worried about getting caught unless you are a tard that uses The Pirate Bay and doesn't have something like peerguardian running. I mean seriously it's so easy to do and not get caught, you're probably more likely to get into a car accident on the way over to a store to buy a movie than you are to get caught pirating.Tjr41991
I didn't say not to pirate anything because you'd get caught, I said not to pirate anything because you shouldn't. I mean, as "cool" as being a bottom feeding scum set thief may seem, it's a pretty useless life. Pirating movies really is theft, just like pirating video games, or stealing money from a gas station register, or holding a bank up, the only difference is, I bet you've ripped off more $$ in movies than a guy who holds up a convenience store, making you a far greater problem. If you feel a film isn't worth a rental or purchase, don't watch it. Simple. You aren't striking back against "the evil corporations" by stealing movies, ESPECIALLY indie films, just because the top 2% of movies make huge profits, doesn't mean they all do. The truth is, the only reason you steal movies/games, and don't mug people or rip off convenience stores is that you are too much of a coward to do it in reality, so, you hide behind your computer, feeling big while you rip people off. Sickening.
My sister watched a pirated dvd the other day, so now im worried that i'm banned from live. Although I have yet to connect to Live so theres no real way of finding out if i got banned
Nope, I did about a year ago didn't get me banned
There's no way for them to tell what you are watching. However, my personal wish is that you (you being general here, not you in specific since you said it was your sister that watched it) would be. I hate piracy (music, movies or games) and don't stand for it.
I 100% agree with Andrew_Xavier.
I also have never understood people pirating stuff, much less stuff that they like. The way that this stuff they enjoy continues to get made is because people can make a living off of it. The moment you start stealing it and taking it for free, the can no longer make a living off of it and are forced to go do something else. You are essentially killing off the exact things you enjoy. How does that make any sense whatsoever? Why don't you instead, and this is gonna be a huge shocker, support the things you enjoy and not support what you dislike so that what you like will appear to be the more profitable (and thus pursued) route?
[QUOTE="Tjr41991"]Don't worry about watching pirated movies on your box, I do it ALL the time. As for andrew_xavier saying not to pirate anything you don't really need to be worried about getting caught unless you are a tard that uses The Pirate Bay and doesn't have something like peerguardian running. I mean seriously it's so easy to do and not get caught, you're probably more likely to get into a car accident on the way over to a store to buy a movie than you are to get caught pirating.Andrew_Xavier
I didn't say not to pirate anything because you'd get caught, I said not to pirate anything because you shouldn't. I mean, as "cool" as being a bottom feeding scum set thief may seem, it's a pretty useless life. Pirating movies really is theft, just like pirating video games, or stealing money from a gas station register, or holding a bank up, the only difference is, I bet you've ripped off more $$ in movies than a guy who holds up a convenience store, making you a far greater problem. If you feel a film isn't worth a rental or purchase, don't watch it. Simple. You aren't striking back against "the evil corporations" by stealing movies, ESPECIALLY indie films, just because the top 2% of movies make huge profits, doesn't mean they all do. The truth is, the only reason you steal movies/games, and don't mug people or rip off convenience stores is that you are too much of a coward to do it in reality, so, you hide behind your computer, feeling big while you rip people off. Sickening.
When I pirate a movie it is because it is not good enough for me to actually get in my car and spend 9 bucks on a movie ticket only to be completely dissapointed with the movie. That is why I in a way preview the movie by downloading it and seeing for myself wheter or not I like the movie. If I like it I will then go to the movies and pay my 9 dollars to see something that is truly worth it. If the movie sucks I don't go and watch it in the movies. So you see I am not stealing anything from the movie industry. How is me not going to a movie that I heard is crappy any different from me downloading it and seeing for myself if it is or not. If the movie is good I will go pay for it. If it sucks then obviously I wont go and spend money on something not deserving of it. So if I followed your advice and didn't watch it at all it would be no different then me pirating it because either way I'm not paying for it. Sorry for the late reply but I'm not on here too often anymore. One mroe thing, I actually just came from Iron Man in theatres. Only reason I saw it was because of the pirated version I DL'd and liked.
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