[QUOTE="cricketboy2238"][QUOTE="Gokuja"] [QUOTE="cricketboy2238"]Would everyone shut up with these threads? Microsoft is not screwing you over. You're just mad that you don't have a 120GB hard drive. It's not like they don't have to give one to you just because you already bought an Xbox 360. Get over it.Gokuja
yea MS is screwing us over. many of us would have gotten the elite over the premium. i need a bigger harddrive. now instead of only spending $70-80 extra i'd have to trade in my 360 for what $150-200 i dunno what gamestop would take, and waste the rest when Microsoft shoulda done this in the first place. just because you dont care doesnt mean this wasnt a bad decision on microsofts part. instead of coming into the next-gen soo early they should have been working on this instead
If I'm not mistaken, you got what you paid for. There will always be something newer and better out. By coming into the next generation so early, Microsoft did not command your money from your wallet, you gave it to them. You, as the consumer, paid for their product, and you got it. Maybe you would have done differently now, but Microsoft has not wronged you in any way. Now quit crying, and get over it. You'll know this marketing strategy most readily as "progress".jee, thanks for telling me what a consumer is..i had no idea. im not complaining, im stating facts. trust me i do not care either way i can live w/o it. but a console should not be updated this much, it should be standard from the beginning.
and where did i say that from coming into the next gen so early they commanded my money? that wasnt any argument of mine. and quit crying and get over it....sry but that stupid **** is used waay too much and i think i can do as i please, cry, complain, whatever.
Im am sorry, but you must be a dumbass with that response. YOU are getting upset that you have spent so much money on the 360 so far while Microsoft never said there wouldn't be another version and never forced you to buy one. IF you would have waited until now you would be bitc****.... oh wait yea you would because that is what you people do. If you wanted an "Elite" version when the 360 was released you would have waited to see if one would have been released. By this i mean you knew what Sony was bringing to the table and you KNEW (unless your a complete idiot) that there would be more capacity harddrives. Of course Microsoft is going to release a bigger HDD and if you would have looked more into your purchased may have come to realise that there was always a chance of this happening.
Me i didn't notice it why? Becuase i am happy with what i got. If i need more room on my HDD i delete some demos or trailers. Now though you are getting upset because you were one of the people that HAD to get the 360 when it was launched and not someone who would rather wait to see whats happening with it. Don't get pissed at Microsoft for releasing something the consumers have asked for and not forcing you to buy the damn "Elite" 360. You don't have to buy it... You can buy the HDD seperatly if you NEED it. I put NEED it in big letters so you might understand the difference between want and need (mainly with tech). A lot of poeple always want the big next new thing with tech, but almost never need it. Does anyone in the world actually need HDMI or a bigger HDD? No. Why? Because they could go buy the seasons of shows on DVDs and leave the HDD space to demos and trailers.
Now for some reason you seem like one of those people that bought the original version of a PS2 and then bought the new version just because you wanted it. Now do you see poeple getting pissed off about that? I mean it is smaller and mabye some people don't have the room to put their old PS2. They NEEDED the smaller version sooner. If you are really going to sell the 360 because of the new version then you shouldn't have bought a 360 to begin with. Oh and you probably should let someone else buy things for you so you can stop making completely stupid choices and getting pissed off at someone else because of your own damn choices.
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