I own a Ps3 and just buy a Xbox.360. the system seems nice I turn it on did some updates play some online call of duty with some friends it was nice. voice chat was very clear. ok, I play my ps3 alot. the 360 is new. I dont know what games I would like for it. ok I have been looking around for 360 only games thats not on the ps3. and I cant find anything, Gears of war, and Halo, sorry I dont like halo, I will play gears part one. and try it, it looks good,
I have call of duty world at war for both systems. zombies is fun. I also got burnout Paradise. its ok. for only $20. and looks nice on the 360.
I mean really looks the same on the ps3.
so, if a new game I want is on both systems its hard for me to pick what one I want to buy it for. one thing that I am not used to yet is the 360 controller. I am sorry but its hard for me to use right now. I am used to the ps3 one. I am should over time I will get the hang of it, I just really dont like the D pad. its one button.
ok, I want to ask, what good games are out only on the 360. and if there is a game thats one both systems is it better on the 360 or ps3. what should I buy it for?
if I dont like this 360 I might sell it. not sure yet, I need some good games to play to keep it.
I am trying to like the 360. I mean nothing bad. I did buy it and so far its fun. just need more games, I have 20 games on ps3.
ok, thank you for your time.
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