Here's the issue - I have just got done posting for one of you the information in regards to the "OPUS Model" of the Xbox 360. This is what M$ is replacing consoles with when you sned yours in for repair. This is the so called "Zombie Configuration" and does not have HDMI because they are trying to use up their surplus of the old Zephyr Motherboards.
Following is my response to someone who just sent their console in for repair and recieved their replacement console manufactured August of 2008 - with NO HDMI!!!
Read on as this could potentially affect anyone sending their console in for repair.
You got the OPUS configuration - this has been nicknamed the "Zombie Configuration". All be forewarned that this can happen to anyone sending their 360 in for repair.
Google the "OPUS model Xbox 360" to find out more. The long and short of it is that what M$ in their great wisdom has decided to do for replacement consoles right now - is take the new CPU (65nm) and use the old Motherboard (Zephyr) instead of throwing out their surplus parts. I heard this was coming but you are the first I know that it has happened to.
The new replacement consoles will not have HDMI until M$ runs out of the old Motherboards. I think this is a horrible idea on their part as it totally screws over the customer who is already frustrated because they just had to send their unit in for repair - then they get back an inferior replacement. Way to go M$.
So I would call M$ and complain to upper echelon management or as high as you can get - let them know that the unit you sent in had HDMI and you expect to have HDMI on the unit you get back. Don't take no for an answer - as I believe legally you could file suit if neccessary with your attorney generals office. M$ is opening themselves to huge potential for class action suits by doing this - as they can't just downgrade the hardware you paid for legally.
Sorry to hear this - like I said you need to call and do not stop complaining until you get what you want.
Here is a brief link that also talks briefly about OPUS - however it's not a very long or technical article (which there are those too - just google it) - but it confirms what I just told you. Also I believe GS themselves talked briefly about the OPUS model within the last couple of months.
Here's a link:
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