I love the gameplay ideas that Epic has come up with. The campaign and Horde mode are excellent but their multiplayer is a bug-infested, lagfest.
Now whether you like Halo 3 or COD4 or not, you can't say that their online multiplayer isn't high quality. There are almost no exploits, matchmaking is pretty good, and unless there is just a bad host, there is almost never any lag.
Now, FPS is a genre that is just overrun with different choices, more choices than gamers need. However, the third-person strategic shooter (Gears) is almost all by itself. An untapped market.
Just look how much demand there is for a third-person strategic shooter. Even though Epic didn't fix anything in their multiplayer, it still sold record numbers. Gamers are desperate for a Gears-type of gameplay to put up with Epic's utter failure.
For those saying Epic just announced a patch to fix all of what I just mentioned, have you all forgotten what happened after the patch for Gears 1? Either A) it created new glitches or B) only changed the methods of doing the same glitches.
Epic also said they were going to make the netcode for Gears 2 to be "more efficient" but it lags just as bad as Gears 1 (if not worse).
I just hope the developers (Infinity Ward and Bungie especially) have already caught on to this trend and are making a "Gears-killer" as we speak, because honestly - it won't take much effort to topple it.
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