Well what do you think?!!
I got it on release over here in the UK, and have been playing it over the weekend.
The one player is pretty cool, having not bothered with the first one I found it easy to pick up and hard to put down- the hallmark of any good game. I have achieved points and had fun doing so.......as you can sense Im building up to the "but". I think I may be on the last level already, and you thought gears was a short game, well this er is even smaller, I think.(havent finished it all yet!)
I just dont know what to think, I kinda like it but, if it really is this small, I dont know how ubisoft have the cheek to sell it as a full game and not a downloadable add on (!)(yes it really is THAT short- like 5 hours or something)
Was the original GRAW this short?
If you were an avid player of the first one- What kept you coming back? Online? Co-op? Challenges?
Well I tried the online - the environments were great, but the lag was untrue, so, so , so bad! I know that a lot of the games that come out have issues, but jeez, this game needs therapy!!! Were talking on rollerskates, moonwalking, stuck to walls, inside scenery and warping in infront of you and killing you dead. It representated a truly god-awful gaming experience and after the time I have spent on Rainbow Six Vegas this game felt (online) like it had come for free with some whackass sandbox game that no-one wants! lols!
I just cant believe how terrible this feels compared to their last release!!
Has anyone else played it and felt that it is truly bad?
Im not sure whether it was just the faults that were making it seem so bad; if they iron them out, will this be a good game?
I thought it would be fun. What are you guys saying? :)
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