This is not really a forum, as it is a rant. It seems that everytime I look in the player reviews for a FPS, it is always compared to a "Halo wanna be". Now don't get me wrong I think the Halo games are very solid, fun games; my wife and I use to play them online all the time. So I'm not bashing the quality of the game or anything. I just am wondering why other games are classified as "wanna bes". What is revolutinary about halo?
Is it head shots? No, 007 for the N64 had those
dual weilding weapons? Again 007 for N64
Sheilds? Fps has always have had sheilds/body armor
Vehicles in midlevel? Red faction had those
stealing vehicles? GTA 3
A guide (the hologram chick) No, alot of Fps have had "base" guide you.
I can go on and on. Now I'm not saying taking ideas from other games is bad. That is what makes a good game; you take what works and add to it. There is nothing wrong with that. I also aknowledge that Halo also had exceptional A.I back in the day.
I know I'm probally going to be crucified by the some of the gaming community for this write up, I'm just wondering what is the justification of comparing every Fps to Halo.
I welcome you to defend your beliefs, I'm open minded. Please keep this mature if you challange my ideas. Saying phrases like, "If you don't think that Halo is revolutinay, your a dumba** that needs to quit playing", doesn' t sway my feelings any and does not defend your point.
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