Typically Christmas involves the accumulation of revenue as opposed to actual goods, so I've been debating between getting HM:A or FC:3 (eventually I want to buy both but college places money restraints on these types of decisions). Word on the street is FC:3 is supposed to be this great "Skyrim with guns" game but whenever I watch gameplay videos the world just doesn't seem to be as populated with people as it should be, but instead has more wildlife (which is fine but are there random villagers, bad guys, etc. as well)? I'm afraid FC:3 will be like FC:2 where I have to drive ____ hours, never see anyone, kill four random guys, and waste time gathering diamonds while forgetting to take my malaria pills.
Hitman on the other hand has seen mostly positive reviews but has been pissing off a lot of people because of its dissimilarities to Blood Money - however, I've never played any Hitman games (though I love the whole concept of them). The game seems dark, gritty, and looks like it doesn't **** around, though I've heard you need to crank up the difficulty setting to fully enjoy it? My question is what are the pros of each and which one have you guys had more fun playing so far? Thanks!
*Also, for those of you that don't know, HM:A is currently $40 on Amazon and FC:3 is $40 as well if you're an Amazon Prime Student ($50 if not)
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