I heard each playable character on VERSUS games have their own unique individual pros and cons.
For example I know that General RAAM and the Droids (locusts with capes) can get stuck with a torque on their cape and if a frag is aimed perfectly it can get stuck on their capes aswell.
No, they are all the same (with the exception of the things you said about RAAM and the Theron Guards). This is why I am never RAAM or the Theron Guard when I am on Locust.
well they all say different things. The coolest thing ever was when i was carmine and my guest was baird. i got chainsawed and then he sniped the guy that sawed me and baird went "thats for carmine"
are you serious? thats pretty cool, I dint know the dialogue could be so... cotemporary. Is there a place that shows every quote said during online play? Maybe thats only dialogue when you have a guest....
Dont know but I always see the locust a little bit thicker that COG,always use carmine cause he looks smooth and smaller/thiner.Could just be my imagination though.
I hear COG and Locust as equally loud when they are running up behind me, and Carmine is probably the loudest the way he practically hyperventilates while running....seems like you hear COG easier when they active reload or dive though, especially Cole.
yeah but the chance of a locust arrow getting plugged into your cape is like a million to one and when it does happen you will likely never realize it and just assume you were killed normaly.
there all the same...COG and locust...they all breath heacy when runnin and explode the same lol...expect for the fact that they each have different dialogues....
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