I'm a huge Halo fan, although I sold my 360 long ago (I haven't played a Halo game since Halo 3).
I'm a PC gamer now, I have a high end gaming PC so I really have no need for a console unless it's an exclusive. I'm kind of torn over this. In your opinion is an xbox 360 worth getting for Halo 4 and future console exclusives? I heard that Halo 5 will be running on Microsoft's next gen console, so that sucks that I may have to buy another system.. but this console might not be coming out for years right?
Without a doubt if I got a 360 I would buy a used one on Craigslist or wait for a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal. What is the reasonable price for the slim versions nowadays? Is 4gb enough for my needs? It may seem like it at first, but I don't know if I'll be downloading console exclusive demo's or dlc.
Jeez, and there's also the matter of getting a PS3 over a 360, since they have a lot more console exclusives I want to try (Killzone, Uncharted, Nier, MGS, ect) but I hear the PS3 runs on lesser hardware and doesn't have a very good online, and there's also the matter of security. What do you guys think about this too? (please no fanboy flame wars!) I think despite this I would still get a 360, since I have never owned a PS3 and Halo 4 means a lot to me.
Sorry for asking so many questions but hopefully you guys can help. Thank you!
Edit: I made a huge misunderstanding. When I said console exclusives I didn't just mean only on xbox, I meant only on consoles (therefore I can't get it on pc) I'm fine with cross platform games, hope that widens my search.
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