I can't put it down... well written and made... but it's a very deliberate game... and I mean that in that you back-track a lot for side quests.. do a lot of NPC interaction.. and the fighting is only about 5-10% of the game if you do everything in it. So, it may not appeal to the 'unload-a-full-clip-into-someone' Halo gamers...
Yeah, GS review wasnt very good. 9.0 or higher for sure. You'll be satisfied if you like either RPG's or Third-Person-Shooters or both. Theres a lot of action if you decide to go down a more direct path through the game, and then there are all of the RPG elements if you decide to branch off. I'm still playing it a bit even now and got at least 80 hours out of it.
If you like RPG's you will probably play through the game a minimum of 3 times. If you like shooters it may loose it's luster quicker. I definately recomend it because it is a fresh idea with an epic feeling story.
For me it wasn't worth the buy so I just rented it with Gamefly, but it seems like most people would rather buy it. I guess I'm one of the few who didn't enjoy it! go for the buy i guess.
Of course you should get it. Mass Effect easily ties OBLIVION as the best rpg on the 360. There's an excellent, well written, story, fun combat system tons of different weapons and armor upgrades. The game has a few very minor technical issues, but they are all easily forgiven. The campaign is short as far as rpgs go, but you'll definatly want to play multiple times with a different back-story and making different decisions. It's another must own for the 360.
I'd say buy, if you just play the main quest it'd take you about 20 hrs to beat, if you look for everything it could take you 40 hrs, the fact that you get to keep all of your weapons and skill levels when you play the game a second time, makes it worth beating twice.
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