Hey guys,
I have ordered Portal 2 online but won't get it 'til April 27th because Amazon are crap :)
I was thinking about going to my local GAME store today so i can get it now, then just ebay the Amazon one when i get it.
Is it worth it? I have heard bad reviews from people but iloved portal 1 so much and i desperately want P2 now!
Good enough to go to town for, or just "meh..wait 5 days"?
On a serious note, it is a new item, and over $25... Meaning if you ordered it AFTER launch (ie: Tues/Wed), you would get free 3 day shipping anyways and thus get it Friday or Saturday (yesterday or today)... And if you pre-ordered it, you would get free release date shipping and would have had it at launch... That coupled with the fact that Amazon doesn't even offer anything less than 3 day shipping... So if you are getting it Wednesday, you would have needed to order today, a weekend, when they do not ship... Meaning your own fault, not Amazon's.
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