I was wondering, because the current feature gamertag is PMS Stargirl. It says her favorite multi-player is Halo Reach, favorite single player is Condemned.
She has been subscribed to XBL for 5 consecutive years, and has just under 6,000 gamer score. Kinda odd for a 5 year vet to have just 6,000 gamer score right?
Well, I compared games with her. (I have a library of 50 360 titles retail alone, let alone the dozens more I've rented and at least gotten 1 achievement in) and she has no achievements whatsoever when I compare games, WTF?
She has none for Halo Reach. If a person played even the smallest amount of reach to enjoy its multiplayer, they'd get some achievements. Same goes for her favorite single player game, Condemned.
It says she hasn't been offline for too long, but I wonder, is this a fake profile made by MS or something? I mean, 6000k gamer score is very low for someone who possibly has had a 360 since launch, has Halo Reach as their favorite game but has no achievements for ANYTHING
Am I missing something here?
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