I'm looking for a game that is open world, but the character that you play as moves in a very stylish fashion. i.e. Running long distances getting by obstacles and looking cool while doing it. Kinda like the E3 10 trailer for True Crime. When I say open world I mean like I can walk into almost any building and cause a commotion if I want to. It has to be in modern time with tall buildings. I don't care if there is or isn't multiplayer. It can be for PS3/360. Is there a game like this?
I've played open world games like Red Dead Redemption and AC1,2, and ACB. I really enjoyed the platforming in the 2008 Prince of Persia. I just thought of looking for a game with qualities from all of these other games that would make a pretty cool modern day open world game. If you know one please post about it here.
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