I was playing Conker: Live and Reloaded on my 360. I'm using a wireless controller. The sound quality is horrible. Half the time sentences are choppy or cutoff and I have no clue if people can hear me speaking. Am I doing something wrong?
Yeah I am one of the many who went out and bought the $50 wireless headset. That thing is the biggest piece of crap that has come out for the xbox360 short of the Nyko intercoller. The sound quality is terrible and the volume of your voice to other people is hit and miss depending on the game your playing. Do yourself a favor and go drop the $15 on a wired heaset and use that wirless headset as a speed bump for your car. Sorry for the long rant but I was really lookin forward to the wireless headset before it came out and cheap crap just pisses me off.
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