It's been a few years the X1 has been out,What do you rate the X1?

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#1 brimmul777
Member since 2011 • 6320 Posts

It's been more than a few years,but would you say the X1 has meet your expectations?Expect more from your console?Total disaster?

Tell me what you think.Thank you for your replies.

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#2 maverick5683
Member since 2010 • 66 Posts

Honestly for me it has been a letdown. This isn't to say it's a bad console by any means, there just hasn't been a game that sunk its hooks into me like some in the past. On the 360 I feel multiple games really grabbed me, namely Oblivion, Halo 3, Red Dead, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and GTA V. On the Xbox One I really enjoyed Witcher 3 but nothing else has really grabbed hold of me.

I recently picked up a Switch and BotW has held my interest a lot more than anything has to this point on Xbone.

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#3 k00lenkrazey
Member since 2016 • 96 Posts

Overall, I prefer the Xbox One over the PS4 and sometimes even the PC. I just love the layout of the console, how it handles social features and that fantastic controller. It just really does suck that the console has no worthwhile or fresh exclusives.

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#4 hrt_rulz01
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I've definitely got my moneys worth out of it, that's for sure. It started out a little rough at the start of the gen, but now it's a fantastic console with plenty to offer.

People criticise it's "lack" of exclusives, but I've been satisfied with it's offering. Looking forward to the X now!

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#5  Edited By Alucard_Prime
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I have a hard time giving score ratings, because some areas excel and others do not.... but first number that comes to mind would be an 8/10 probably. Always room to improve, and I try to look at the overall picture and with such expensive devices, I ask myself if my most sought-after experiences are offered. By and large, I'm satisfied with the XOne console, and the experiences I value a lot are there. I'll just list some pros and cons that come to mind:


-Excellent online with dedicated servers on all first party games. This is a massive plus for me, last gen I played a ton of Battlefield 3, and since last gen with the 360 I play a lot of online games, and the Xbox One has improved that aspect significantly overall. From clearer Party chat quality to the competitive aspect of the 1st party titles, the Elite controller which allows you to play more competitively by being so customizable, and many more little details I am sure I am forgetting. The console's 1st party has focused a lot on Esports and I love that,. And for the people who are not into that stuff and prefer online co-operative or solo, they are covered as well in many 1st party titles. Xbox One 1st party titles are often feature-rich, and I usually enjoy both the co-operative and competitive stuff they have. Love all the social features as well and use them quite a bit.

-Some of my favorite series such as Forza have been significantly improved from last gen. People criticize MS a lot for the F/G/H trio of games, but I see it differently....I am a fan of those games and I'm very happy they took care of them first and refined their gameplay, the most important aspect of a game for me. They built communities around them and so many other things I could talk about....I mean there are huge communities of talented artists that do custom liveries in Forza, Forge creators in Halo 5, etc.

It's great that Microsoft kept supporting these series on XOne, and they didn't abandon them to pursue other initiatives first. Now I'm eager to see what else they will come up with, but whatever happens I'm glad I have Gears-Halo-Forza to fallback on(well I still play them too today, not remotely done with them). If you compare Forza horizon 3 to Forza Horizon 1 from last gen, the differences are staggering. I've got over 15 days of playtime in that game lol, that's like over 360 hours..... I could say the console was worth it for that game alone almost.

-Backwards compatibility, I love this feature as I am a massive fan of XBLA and many games I was not able to play last gen. I prefer having all this centralized on 1 console with often added benefits, rather than me having to take out my old console and play them there. Much more convenient, and I see this as a form of honoring our digital rights as well, in a's great. Other features like EA Access are cool too.

-Nice portfolio of single player games. They could use more of those, but I definitely enjoyed games like Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the BLind Forest, Dead Rising, Recore(not amazing but I still liked it, near the end I think....tough little game!) and I supplement my single player fix with 3rd party titles such as Witcher 3.

-Kinect....I think it is a great companion device, they just pushed too hard with it at first, should have been optional from the get go just like now ....I still use it regularly...Skyping, voice commands to take screenshots/clips, ability to instantly switch games, etc.

Cons: -Bumpy launch....I though all my XBLA games would carry over from 360, and I thought it would be a very powerful console a launch. Initial Dashboard was OK but often sluggish. Some things like Digital purchasing didn't work too well at first( some games I had to re-install, etc) Also I was quite disappointed when one of my favorite 360 features, custom background music, was missing from XOne...that's like a step backwards. Things are now much better, but this happened after much feedback and some years, it should have been a priority at launch and overall it seems the people who handled the Xbox One launch missed a few of the things that made the 360 an incredible console, which I found perplexing at first....but often that is how companies work, management changes, visions changes, etc.

-The power was good enough for me, but some games that had 720P native kind of made me wish the console was a little more powerful....900P native vs 1080P native, not a significant difference to me....not a game changer....but the 720P games were a little harder to swallow at first.

-Games portfolio could use more high-profile Single player, story-driven games. Like I said earlier, I play a lot of online but I also play a lot of single player games as well, and sometimes I would be jealous if other platforms got a nice looking single player 3rd party game and it was not on XOne. It's better now than 2-3 years ago, and we get a lot of great PC ports like Everspace and Elite Dangerous, but more story driven titles would have been nice though, games like Quantum Break basically, I really enjoy those from time to time.

-Numerous dashboard changes....I appreciate they are listening to all the feedback, but I feel they made too many updates overall and sometimes I wouldn't agree with them all. I understand why they did that, and I appreciate it, but I hope to see less drastic changes in the future and they should just keep it simple and fine tune as much as possible instead of making huge changes.

So yeah this is off the top of my head, I'm quite happy overall and to be honest my main issue is lack of many games, so little time in the day when you have a full time job lol. Looking forward to XOneX and the injection of raw power it will provide, and hopefully with more improvements along the way and more dev attention, we will likely see more cool stuff as time goes forward.

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#6  Edited By deactivated-642321fb121ca
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Lack of games, specifically single player experiences. Ended up playing more BC than anything else, although the elite controller is fantastic.

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#7 deactivated-6092a2d005fba
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Well I've gotten 4 (soon to be 5 ) Forza games, so if production stopped tomorrow i'd say I got more than my money's worth.

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#8 MarcRecon
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The only issue I have with the XB1 is the lack of exclusives, besides that I think it's a great system. The main thing that I like about the XB1 is that I don't have to pay a service(unlike my other system) to play my old games.

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#9  Edited By raugutcon
Member since 2014 • 5576 Posts

It's got Halo and Gears, nuff exclusives I like for me to invest in a console, the rest is multiplats I can find in "the other one" and I spread them evenly between both.

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#10 TuMekeNZ
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Had a pretty rocky start but after a number of updates and upgrading to the S it is one of my favourite systems.

Sure it could've used a bit more power and PS4 has more variety in games (most of which are not really to my tastes but appreciate it none the less), but the X1 has provided me with the games I crave and the best ecosystem to them play in so I'm a happy gamer.

Can't wait for the 1X!

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#11 ChrisAnetkaC
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@tumekenz: One of your favorite systems? The others being: PC, Playstation and Nintendo I assume? The others are just meh I guess.

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#12 TuMekeNZ
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@ChrisAnetkaC: favourite systems would be a Mega Drive, PS1 & 2, 360 and X1. Like what the PS3 & 4 brought/bring games wise but the systems themselves feel sterile.

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#13 _SKatEDiRt_
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Still have a 360 and havent used it to its full potential.

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#14  Edited By Dr_Vancouver
Member since 2017 • 1046 Posts

I've had one since launch, but have mostly only used for exclusives for multiple reasons. That said, I do like it, I strongly believe that it's M$'s best console so far and will be shifting multiplatform purchases from PS4 to XBone as of the X, aside from titles that have PSVR content on PS4. However, since the X doesn't exist yet it won't have bearing on my review.

Pro's: Elite controller, a few great exclusives

Con's: overly complicated dashboard, simple tasks can be hard to execute/find (I also think the same of American car interiors and American electronics for example Apple products. Japanese design language tends to make much more sense to me.

My score: 7.6/10

Conclusion, to get a 10/10 score I'd need to have my XBoneX in my entertainment center, and M$ would have to go back to the original 360 Blades dashboard- everything was right where it should have been.

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#15 ChrisAnetkaC
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@tumekenz: Thanks for the explanation, I thought you were being funny and didn't realize you were including generations. I like 360 more than any other console and use it all the time. I just had bad luck with controllers. And I like the warm fuzzy feeling the hardware may have a limited lifespan but the games I invested into will continue beyond it. That feeling is unknown in the PS world.

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#16 SmearyGoose1768
Member since 2016 • 297 Posts

It has been okay but it need more exclusives like PS4. There is no need to be lagging behind.

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#17 Shantmaster_K
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It's been a great system. They started off rough, but turned around with Mr. Spencer. Could do with more games. Was going well the first few years. This year has been pretty dull.