Today while gaming online on halo with my girlfriend we got matched with two people who were "jerks", they started t-bagging my g/f and ganging up on her even though they were all on the same team....tbh my g/f has got used to this kinda thing online but then things got worse....
After the match they sent me and my g/f very bad meassages... some really nasty stuff... she was so upset by what they said shes now desided not to game online anymore.... I'm a huge gamer and so is she but because of evil nasty people like who we bumped into today its ruined it for my g/f because she now thinks everyone is a jerk....i think this is such a shame as its people like that, that stop girls from gaming.....
People who go online and then ask girls "do you like sex" or i wont to....(you can imagin the rest...) these kinda people need to be banned of something....
Do you guys have any storys like this or any thoughts on this subject because i'd love to hear them
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