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decided to wait on this one, i'll maybe pick it up used later on as the price drops. Is it worth a playthrough?javafriekYeah definitely. The narrative is really generic but it's good for what it is; it's no Halo, Bioshock, or Half-life when it comes to story though. However, it has lots of potential to develop into a good sci-fi universe if it wasn't for the incredibly immature [often funny] language. The game play is definitely the high-point of it and it shows, that's why it got an 8.5 here.
I thought it was ok but it seemed like all I was doing was kicking people and trying to get skillshots and never getting what I wanted.Overall the game was okmrsniper83Indeed, the game play and skillshots greatly outshine the story, but it's not completely bad. OT: Wow you have a lot of achievements!
I thought it was fun. The attempt at humor did go overkill at times, other times it was silly but it does make you chuckle. The online co-op is fun if you got a mic and some friends. Story isnt all that great but its got potential for future games. The leash and kick and shooting folks in all the wrong places never gets old. Try it out you might just like it better than what the reviews make it out to be.
Finished the game sometime ago before the GOW3 beta was released. Personally, it took a little time to get used to. The object of the game is to get skillshots, not like many other shooters out there. But, once you've gotten used to it it grew on you. The dialogue among characters were really funny and the multiple combinations you can make to up your skillshot score.
If you do get this game just remember that it's a different animal than those other run and gun shooters. Keep an open mind and it'll be a fun experience.
[QUOTE="Black_Knight_00"]I'm ready to spend 4.95 on itfirefox59Lol, that's about what it's worth. I just found it for 19.99 new, but it's 15.04 more than I'm prepared to spend on it
I liked it, i replayed it 3 times, continuously.
Games are not about stories, games are about gameplay.
I bought Bulletstorm Epic edition for the Gears of War Beta. I still have not bothered to finish the game. So I has not warrented my attention to beat the game. It is an OK game. But I would not have bought it if it didn't included the Beta. I see if I can finish the game. The graphics are decent but this game is So-So at best.
I'v played it a few times at a friend's house and I find that while having a scoring system based on the creativity of your kills can be the incentive to use your environment and stresses improvisation, at the same time it becomes a chore. Mainly because you're trying to get from A to B, and while on the way you have to think up a million ways to kill your opposition rather than just take the most strategic route to beat the seciton.
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