[QUOTE="BlueTimber"]I found the fact that every side mission was a fetch quest, or a "let's talk this out" quest. The combat was TERRIBLE, with the levels being poorly designed, your allies to be idiots who are dead 2 seconds into a firefight, and youe enemies being mindless bafoons who do nothing but charge you, regardless of whether they are using a gun or not.
Also, why does every single planet look exactly the same, only being a different color. The side quest for your allies was quite a downer. All this boring effort to get a paragraph long summary of your allies reactions after just helping them out with their uninteresting issues.
lol looks like youre the only one hating on this game but i will agree that most side quests were pretty much the same and i wish there was more side stuff w/ the characters but combat was not bad at all and if you dont like the AI control their powers yourself.The problem was their desire to run out from cover and just get filled with bullets. And I didn't like the combat, because the guns didn't fire well, there was no bonos for where you fire, levels weren't designed with a cover system in mind (ala every other shooter that has a cover system) only randomly placed "stuff". And as I said, enemies didn't use cover, they just charged you, so while I'm unloading a clip of my assualt rifle into this guy whose just running at me, he's just eating it up like a body builder on pcp wearing kevlar, who'll kill me while I'm reloading.
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