Well, I figured it was best that I post this on the 360 forums because you all would focus on what I would get out of the 360 more than why the PS3 is "better" etc.
I've had my PS3 since last December, and I've been enjoying it quite well, but after I most recently got the Error of Doom (yes, we have our own version of the Red Rings of Death,) Error 80010514, which means my blu-ray drive has failed, I've been thinking of switching sides.
I'm a competitive gamer at heart, and I know the 360 with Gamertags, Achievements (I think the PS3 trophies are too little, too late,) and overall setup of online gameplay is much better, even if I do have to pay for it.
Now, I also use my PS3 for videos that I stream from my computer, or download onto the hard drive. Does Microsoft allow you to put/play Divx videos on the 360? How easy is streaming media to the 360? Such as music, video, pictures, etc.
But another thing I'm worried about, is I know Microsoft has said they will NOT be coming out with a Blu-Ray adapter for the 360, which makes me worry about the future of games for the system. I know that Forza 3 is going to have to be on two discs because of the fact the DVD's just can't cut it for space anymore, which means that developers will have to start cutting back on important things just to make it fit.
I also have a decent amount of games that I purchased for the PS3, and I'm not sure if I could get my investment BACK on all of those things. Such as Rock Band, which I would still want to get for 360, or wait until RB2, but either way it's difficult.
So my question is, is it worth making the switch THIS late in the game? I know PS3 fans are going to think I'm a traitor, and don't get me wrong, I loved my PS3, but I don't really have any exclusives or anything big to look forward to anymore, except for GT5, and even then when I rented a 360 for a week, I enjoyed Forza 2 more than Prologue. Also, is it worth making the switch if I'm taking a loss financially as well? I have to wait to get a reciept anyways or bug them telling them it happened after I installed 2.4 (which is true,) because it's been happening to a LOT of people. So once it gets fixed and back to me, should I make the switch to one of the new Pro 60gb's? Or just keep with what I've got.
I don't have the reciept which means I'm going to have to bother Sony until they fix it for free, but hopefully that will work.
I'd really like to hear from previous PS3 owners who have made the switch, because they could give me their first hand opinions! Also, when you got rid of your ps3, did you craigslist? ebay? or what?
Anyone who can help it would be much appreciated!
ALSO, a moderator closed this thread a minute ago because he said "System Wars is thattaway"
Well I'm asking for HELP from 360 owners on what to decide, especially those who have made the switch, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GET FLAMED. Which is EXACTLY what would happen in System Wars, thank you very much.
So please, pretty please, don't lock this thread again.
Thank you all!
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