Doesn't make sense now... How do they go from unlimited to limited? It explained in the Codex why guns had unlimited ammo:
"Small Arms:
All modern infantry weapons from pistols to assault rifles use micro-scaled mass accelerator technology. Projectiles consist of tiny metal slugs suspended within a mass-reducing field, accelerated by magnetic force to speeds that inflict kinetic damage.
The ammo magazine is a simple block of metal. The gun's internal computer calculates the mass needed to reach the target based on distance, gravity, and atmospheric pressure, then shears off an appropriate sized slug from the block. A single block can supply thousands of rounds, making ammo a non-issue during any engagement."
Are Bioware just going to pretend that never happened?
Yeah, it's like the technology devolves! But I'm sure BioWare will come up with an explanation, at least that's what I hope.
So many people fail to understand that you're not loosing "ammo".What you're using is heat sinks,to help cool the gun down.Whenever you "reload",you pop a new heat sink in because the last just overheated.So it basically simulates a real magazine.There is no "ammo" in Mass Effect 2 except for the big explosive weapons.Hmm, I guessAtomicBaconBits is right. But still, I did enjoy the unlimited ammo but didn't have as much fun with the overheating. Maybe there's now ammo because people put some complaints about the overheating? Unlimited ammo with no overheating, or reloading, guess they went with the reloading.
Doesn't matter to me though, the game still is awesome, regardless of reloading or not.
Let's hope that it's just the special ammo needing reloading than the regular ammo...it makes more sense, they can keep the codex thingy, butadd maybe something new involving special ammo.
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