I'm having trouble with my Xbox 360, but I can't seem to find what I need anywhere else online, so I'm coming here as because I don't want to face those horrible costumer support team people. My problem started when I put in Halo 3 -- not that it's so bad that it broke it -- and then I pressed the menu button and the color just faded and got bright. After that, I turned off the system and it wouldn't start up (a bunch of lines came up) and it wouldn't show anything on the T.V. There were no red rings or anything, just a sound almost like a car makes when it won't turn on. Have any of you had this problem? Thanks.
Had that problem, and the xbox scratched a bunch of my discs, I don't know exactly what was wrong with it, but if you still have a warranty send it in ASAP.
I have no warranty, and I'm only covered still by the 3 year extension for the RRoD thing. I just tried again after having the cables unplugged, but no luck. I'm calling them tomorrow morning. Thanks. Any tips would still be helpful.
first of all make sure the 360 is vertical never move it with a disc in especially while playing it. 2nd of all make sure cords r in right and is ur switch set right. 3rd if its still screwed up ur gonna have to give ur 360 the three rings...dissassemble it and mess up some wires. good luck (just call Microsoft)
Try another pair of cables: If new cables work, then the cables are the problem. If new cables don't work, the console is the problem, and you'll have to send it in. Good luck forking over $90.
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