can i use my 256 mb mem card that i got with my arcade to play live or do i need to get hdd? i dont think i will be downloading demos and stuff so can i get by with the mem card? i read that you only need enough space to save your live profile, is that true? any help thanks.
yeah you should be ok, some games require for online co-op for you to have a hard drive (halo 3) but if your just looking to play online multiplayer you should be fine.
also depending if your a hardcore gamer or not, go buy a hard drive lol, if not atleast get like 512mb memory card.
so, u have to have hard drive for halo 3? i've got the same situation the other guy has.cjp0928
like i said only need a hard drive to play halo 3 online co-op (campaign with another person) although not all games need this, for eg, gears of war, you dont need a hard drive to play that for online co-op. although im sure some other games would.
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