You people with your comments like "I'm on my first one, because I take care of it" if the rest of us don't. You're not still on your first one because you take care of it. You're on your first one because you're lucky. In fact, some studies suggest you're a minority.
You guys on your first Xbox are not possessed of some ancient wisdom that the rest of us barbarians can't seem to grasp. A 360 is not hard to treat properly. The thing's not like a bonzai tree or some rare tropical fish that you have to care for just so, otherwise it'll die. You put the damn thing on a shelf so it can get air to the sides of it, and then don't jar the thing. That's all; it's not hard.
I imagine most of the people with broken 360s took care of them just fine. I know I did (to my prior three broken ones). The ****ing things are put together poorly, and they break. If yours hasn't, you just lucked out. People with their original Xbox telling everyone else to treat theirs better are like lottery winners telling people to work harder at their jobs. You got lucky; that's it!
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