So I remember3 songs I would like to hear again, but the problem is.... I dont remember theyr names :P I still remember the beat and some lirycs thought, so yeah, would someone help me? Here are the songs:
1. An easy one I think, and it goes like this: get up, ah, getum bah, get up, ah, getum bah, get on the scene, getum bah, like a s*x mashine, getum bah
2. A little harder, its a violin/techno combination, and lirycs (or so I think) goes like this: one bein, one now, one bein, one now, one bein, one now, one bein, one now, hey boms eboms, en one one day, hey boms eboms, en one one day......
3. Ok, I dont realy remember the lirycs, but the beat goes like this (its instrumental btw): DUDUDUM, bim dum dum, bim dum dum, DUDUDUM, bim dum dum, bim dum dum
So yeah, um..... help plox? Thanks.
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