Out of Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean, I would go with Eternal Sonata. It's a pretty fun game, and has good artwork and an original story. If you can get it new, cheap, go for it.
Star Ocean isn't bad, but it's kind of average. It is still a little overpriced, I would wait until it comes down in price a little to get it. Tales of Vesperia is a much better RPG with similar gameplay, and more impressive cell-shaded HD graphics.
Lost Odyssey is also pretty good, as these people said. The battle system is a little simplistic, and some of the voice-acting and story can get annoying, but for the most part it's a pretty good RPG.
Operation Darkness actually looks like it could be pretty good, and Phantasy Star Universe has an online mode that costs $10/mo but otherwise has an offline mode and story. Culdcept Saga is a pretty fun card game with some RPG elements. And then there are the western RPGs as well.
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