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#1 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts

i'm pretty sure i know where my xbox is heading, but i'm curious what others have to say.

i have an old 360 (2007) that was getting loud, so i decided to clean it (it's well past warranty ;))

it was quite dirty, but i swear the fans seem almost louder now than they were before (quite confident the shroud and everything else is sitting correctly)

weird thing is; it doesn't feel THAT hot, and doesn't get loud if i play arcade games, only retail games (and i've tried installing them with no change)

that's what confuses me. dashboard, movie watching, arcade; no worries. but a game.. i can't play more than half hour before it's too annoying and gets turned off.

pretty sure she's on her last legs, but do you think there could be something else i've overlooked? (would really like a few more months with it; kind of late to buy another 360)

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#2 bumsonfire
Member since 2013 • 250 Posts

Even PC's tend to heat up after playing a huge game, but yeah, It is an old Xbox and very few people still have it due to the problems you are experiencing, There isn't much you can do but get a new console. soz.