I've had Madden since September, played through a season as the NO Saints. (beat the colts @ the superbowl)
Had a ton of fun, learned my 'fav plays etc., playing on Pro difficulty.
Naturally, my next decision was to take my game online...
I've been slaughtered 5 times online (0-5). It's depressing, I've had one or two close ones, for instance, last night. Some guy played colts vs. saints (me) and it was actually close, only because I forced two game-changing fumbles. He managed to edge me out in 4th quarter, and summarily trash-talked me.
Vs. colts I played Deep Protection plays almost all the time, once in awhile calling an audible for a blitz when I read a run play. I would focus on Wayne (Holding right trigger, selecting Wayne for double coverage)
I've gone through the manual meticulously and still can't seem to beat these guys.
Anyone have any advice about Madden? I love the challenge, just hate being pwned every time i try. :(
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