With most people beating the campaign and seeing the legendary ending of how Master Chief is floating towards a distant planet, many people are wondering, is Halo finished what is going to happen to Master Chief?
During the ending Cortana States that it may be "years" before anybody finds them.
I read in an old EGM or Game Informer article called Forging a Link, It tries to show the ties that master Chief has to Marathon Man. The most notible being that they both wear MJOLNIR Armor and are both cyborgs more importantly. Now the human race first made contact with the covenant in 2525, about 27 years before the original halo which takes place in 2552.
Each sequel to Halo has not followed immediatly after, so if we look at it in real time (everytime they've released a halo) it's been about 6 years, which mean everything finally comes to a head, master chief and the arbiter take out the prophet of truth and the flood and destroy in 2562.
That Means that Marathon is exactly 228 years after the events of Halo. Now on to the link that Master Chief could possibly linked to Marathon.
Some of us are achievement goers on our xbox 360's and we all know that there were termianls linked to a acheivement called marathon man, this acheievment let us in on some information about the forerunners and how a huge threat brought them to an end, that doesn't mean that they could have spread and got away.
Now seeing that they went through a portal their, what seemed like an instant could have been years, or maybe not. But we know that Master Chiefs half of the ship got sperated because when the portal was closing it burnt the ship in half.Now knowing that he is drifting towards a planet, it could possible be a planet of the forerunners or a planet where marathon takes place, who knows, i am not completely sure myself.
Don't forget master chief goes into a cryo sleep at the end of the game meaning he could have slept for these 228 years, and he could awaken, Halo is finished, the tagline "finish the fight" is appropriate, because you do, but it seems a new one is at hand regardless of what Master Chief finds.
Most importantly i want to leave you thinking with something, His final words are "wake me when you need me..." now if they are drifting towards a planet, cortana is going to have to let him in on this, so this shows that he will be waked at some point and need to be shown where he has ended up.
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