I heard it lets you replay the game with the same character you developed your first play through. Can a level 60 adept have all skills/powers maxed out? Or are there not enough advancementpoints on the way to 60 to do that?
If you can play through multiple times with the same character, how are they going to transferyour choices to Mass Effect 2?
Currently I have vermire, feros, noveria, and the bring down the skyasteroid labeled on my star map... are all the other systems side quest systems, or will I eventually be given assignments in them, and they too will be labeled on my star map? I want to do all the side quests so I don't know if I should go to them early or wait for them to be labeled on the star map by assignments given from the counsel (like Vermire was. Its name didn't show up first, then the counsel told me about it and it got labeled).
Do achievements that open up abilities for other character classes (like cast lift 75 times and make lift available to all classes) have to be achieved in 1 play through?
lastly, do you think it's better to pursue Liara or Ashley romantically?
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