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Could you imagine if they delayed the 360 release just to make an PS3 and PC version have a multi-plat release?...that really would send everyone including myself into a frenzy...HANDS OFF EA, you've ruined enough gamefranchises as it is.gamer082009
Ha...Ha ha, I would go down to Ea HQ and punch the EA CEO in the face.
[QUOTE="gamer082009"]Could you imagine if they delayed the 360 release just to make an PS3 and PC version have a multi-plat release?...that really would send everyone including myself into a frenzy...HANDS OFF EA, you've ruined enough gamefranchises as it is.Vis-a-Vis
Ha...Ha ha, I would go down to Ea HQ and punch the EA CEO in the face.
So would alot of people. And some would just punch him because.Are you kidding me? Please no! I hasn't thought about this!
The sequel proabably will be multi, even if the original isn't eventually.
Who cares? As long as we get a top notch game I could care less if someone with a PS3 plays it. Same goes for Halo, Bioshock, etc.zael99I care. But not because of childish fangirl-ism for the 360. I just like games optimised for one console. Plus multi-platform games take longer to develop usually.
[QUOTE="zael99"]Who cares? As long as we get a top notch game I could care less if someone with a PS3 plays it. Same goes for Halo, Bioshock, etc.veitariI care. But not because of childish fangirl-ism for the 360. I just like games optimised for one console. Plus multi-platform games take longer to develop usually.
true. although there are good multiplatform games, thats given, exclusives are often a hell of a lot better. im just worried, given that mass effect has the poss. of being a trilogy, how epic it is already and how amazingly epic it COULD BE, i just hope EA doesnt put their money-grubbing hands all over the dev of the sequels and, well, poopoo them.
I don't really care of it goes multi-platform or not, I've been planning to buy Mass Effect for my 360 for a long time now and I still will. The only thing I'm worried about is EA getting there dirty hands on the game(s). A sequel to ME would probably be a joke if EA is in any way involved in the making of it.km1498
thats exactly my worry
it wont go to the ps3 simply because ms has the publishing rights and license
mass effect is going to be a huge game and i doubt a mammoth corporation like ms would let it go just like that
if anything the only other place mass effect will go is the pc but as far a multiplatform
it aint gonna happen
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