I have to say Fallout 3. I was really dissapointed with ME, and actually I have not been pleased with what they have done since BG KotOR. ME was still great but it didn't live up to the standard that was set forth when it was first anounced. Lets compare the different aspects of both games:
Combat/RPG Elements: Fallout 3 had some very good RPG elements, I loved the perks, they were so cool and unique and you had to play the game multiple times to try out everthing. VATS was cool, had a very cinematic gameplay feel to it. And the wespons and looks were alot better than ME (Plasma Rifle and Tesla armor just looked sick). ME though did have a very nice clasic RPG feel to it. The different clases were cool and the gameplay was amazing in it's own unique way.
Winner: Tie
Main Story: Fallout 3 had a good story, alot better then what I expected given how sub-par Oblivion was. I had a few "Oh Snap!" moments that just felt really really cool. Also I had no idea what to expect, lots of suprises and an ending that felt like a good ending to this particular chapter. No cliff hangers, the entire world wasn't wrapped up but the game was supposed to be about DC and as an isolated chapter it felt just right. ME however didn't really give me any "Oh snap!" moments, the story was very good but it was almost exactly what I expected. Given the previews and reading the book everything pretty much went as planned. I was also dissapointed by the lack of academics in the game. IN the previews I read about a year and a half before the game came out Bio-Ware was promissing a grant masterpiece that touched on very deep real life scientific issues such as the universe as a whole and dark matter and dark energy. None of that was really touched upon. The game just kind of felt like a brief prologue to a bigger picture, not nearly as epic as I was hoping. Also the ending was unsatisfying, none of the big questions were really answered. A good game should make you think "Ah man that was good I want to take that in a bit more or go back and play it again" not "I can't wait until the next one comes out so that maybe I will actually get a bit more info on the story". But compared to Fallout the ME story does get major points for being significantly more epic.
Winner: Fallout (Just barely though, I mean really barely, might even call this a tie)
Side Quests: No question, ME's side quests were aweful. Same damn square mile of land 100 times over. I tried to play the game through with every possible side quest and getting every side item. Horrible experience, burnt out about 60% through and haven't picked up the game since. Fallout 3's, however, were amazing. Very different, sometimes even better then the main story. Such a rewarding experience playing through them all.
Winner: Fallout (By a long shot).
Graphics and Art Direction: Fallout had more detailed models I felt. Also I never really liked the texturing in ME, too many times there would be massive single colored objects on the screen, IDK just a beef of mine. Some of the environments though were great in ME, I really think ME had the better art design.
Winner: Tie (Fallout for Graphics ME for Art Design)
Replayability: Both had great replayability. Both had a good/evil path to chose from. fallout had better side quests to go back and try and get done after you finish the game but ME had more clases to chose from. Tough choice.
Winner: Tie
In the end both games are amazing in their own way. They are both fit perfectly into their own niche but I still give Fallout the nod because in the end the game felt more complete. It set the peramiters of the game, stuck to it and gave a great complete experience relative to what it was trying to accomplish. I felt really satisfied after playing fallout 3. Mass effect though felt like it wasn't done, like always it's promised epicness fell a bit short of what was originally stated it would include and I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just something that was put out to keep money flowing until the next game. I know it's supposed to be a trilogy but it seems like developers keep using that as an excuse to atone for the expectations that fell flat on the first game "It will get better, this was just the first game, the story will get better and move forward more in future games". Hopefully it will but that doesn't excuse what happened in the first game.
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