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If you like Western RPGs, shooters, and or sci fi, Mass Effect is the one for you, it has lots of content, great voice acting and lots of high quality music and sound. The story line is pretty cool and unique. Also, some of the things in ME are things you've never seen in video games before, like the galaxy map, it is so cool to look at, and if you are a sci fi/space nerd, you will absolutly love ME.
If you are into JRPGs, final fantasy 10, and good music, Lost Odyssey is the game for you. It is a lengthy game (So is mass effect, but LO is deffinitly has a longer main quest), has great music, great sound and is a solid JRPG. But, some characters are pretty cool and unique while some are very annoying and bland. Also, the voice acting is not nearly as good as Mass Effect, and one character inparticular, Jansen, probably has the worst voice acting Ive ever seen in a game. But overall, LO has a good story and totally feels like FF10, but it is not nearly as memorable.
Just to warn you, both games have lots and lots of reading, I would say Mass Effect is a little better because it is alot more interesting and actually has to do with the game and its world, plus the reading comes in smaller bunches and most is actually read (Talking about the little Codec thing that unlocks info on things as you play). Lost Odyssey on the other does of voice acting, but when you are running through town, people still only talk in text, meaning you must read, and there are these dreams that the main character has that unveil pieces of his past, the way they work is, you will be doing something and it will remind him of something from the past he previously has forgot, it will then allow you to read it then or you can read it later via an Inn, or at the main menu. While some of these stories are interesting, they are also long and pretty boring and have absolutly nothing to do with the game and your quest, they are the kinda stories you read and forget about by the end of the day, so pretty much, they are pointless, but I will add, they are well written.
Ok, well there you go, The choice is yours, but I will add one more thing, Mass Effect on the 360 is now $40, and Lost Odyssey is still $60, but if you want to play LO, I would recommend you get it soon because there are more JRPGs coming pretty soon and next year that will blow it out of the water.
So I recommend getting both if you can, thats both of them for $100 + tax, but if you can't afford it that sucks because you are gonna have to make a choice, either way, I think you should deffintly play them both someday.
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