Forive me in advance if I am completely wrong, but I cant play another minute unless i get some answers.
I spent all of last night starting Mass Effect, and it has rapidly become my favorite game, much better than Oblivion, in which I just got drowned in all the minutia.
HOWEVER, (and, as I said, I hope I'm wrong and it's just that I've played so little of the overall game)
I am on Feros now, and I was just told about a plant-like parasite that is persued by my original enemy who want to bring back the power of their gods-----wait, a minute, AM I PLAYING HALO?!?!?!
Please tell me this is a coincidence, and that the writers of this game aren't so pathetic as to copy halo and not come up with anything original. If that's the case, keep them on strike, I wouldn't pay them either...
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