The video interview on Youtube. Explains a lot about the game.
To me Mass Effect looks like a huge RPG, with tactical 3rd person shooter combat systems. Along with extremely in-depth stories, that are played out with great graphics. Extensive character skill development. Plus you have a Master Blaster type land vehicle! Looks like it will have a lot more then just 10 to 15 hours of play time to complete. I am hoping over a hundred easy. With the possibilities of becoming a MMO.
There a tons of worlds to explore. So the idea of making it into some sort of MMO. Seems plausible to me. Would be a great universe to explore with my on-line friends. But I haven't heard anything new about that possibility. Just rumors, as seen in that video. Subscriptions haven't been mentioned either.
Looks very unique to me. Haven't played a Sci-Fi RPG for the next gen yet. The combat system looks stellar too. No point and click grind. Which I am more the bored with.
If, I'm not into something else. Mass Effect is on my list. Reminds me of Too Human. Which looks amazing to me.
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