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there have luck on there side other than 1 has a brain but no voice and the other has a gun but no headUKLTLEMONthat, plus Freeman is more badass, considering he doesn't always have any army backing him up, and he isn't as well protected as Master Chief in regards to armor, and the fact that he isn't a genetically mutated human like MC.
We need another Ultimate Battle of Ultimate Destiny, this time for video games to clear up all of these arguments haha.
Master Chief vs. Gordon Freeman vs. Commander Sheppard vs. Marcus Fenix vs. Captain Price vs. Samus Aran vs. Niko Bellic vs. Dante vs. Mario vs. Sonic vs. John ****in Madden. Now that would be the ultimate video game battle.
Master Chief:
Recharging energy shields- doesn't need to rely on health packs like Gordon
Can duel wield
Is extremely strong and powerful in general, ex.-melee attacks, doesn't take damage from falls, can carry a mounted turret, can flip vehicles
Nice range of solid weapons and accessible grenades
Overshields and camo
Can drive awesome vehicles
Can't sprint or run fast in general
Every problem MUST be solved with shooting, very-one dimensional
Could be affected by Gordon's gravity gun
Gordon Freeman
Has exceptional intelligence (MIT with a degree in theoretical physics) and can take on situations in a number of different ways
HEV suit is no slacker by any means
GRAVITY GUN- everything that can be picked up, is essentially a weapon
Laser-guided RPGs, Magnusson devices, and pulse charges are extremely powerful and effective and many of his weapons have secondary fire
Snarks (HL1 people will know)
Gordon may not technically be able to die with Gman watching over him (can be argued against)
Can sprint
Can also drive awesome vehicles
Is just a normal guy, no super strength or enhanced genetics, no melee, only one kind of grenade aside from SNARKS.
Gordon's vehicles are inferior to Chief's tanks, banshees, and warthogs
Gravity gun is only useful if the environment is useful
Can only jump far if equipped with long-jump module from HL1
When it all comes down to it, it really depends on WHERE they would fight. If there were no health packs or suit rechargers around, Chief might win. But Gordon also has LASER-GUIDED RPGS and the GRAVITY GUN, so he's no slouch either.
i voted gordon since he actually uses his brain to conquer his foes.KGB32
I know right? Because whipping out assault rifles and shooting up a small settlement full of soldiers is brainy right? :roll:
Come on, hes got Dog on his side.
2x gravity guns > Spartan Laser
Master Cheif is too heavy to be picked up by the gravity gun.
Maybe he can't be picked up, but Gordon could punch a warthog or tank with the gravity gun and crush chief. Or he could pick up an exploding barrel and throw it at him.OWNaggio
You're saying that Chief would just stand there as a tank slowly (that's the speed it would move at, it's heavier than MC) on top of him? NO
most halo player think they know G.F. but they don't (Orange Box is not a good reason) GF would give it to Chief... hes had to fight worstDuhQbnSiLo
What's with all these MC versus Samus/GF/Fenix topics you see at least once a month? I'll bite, anyway.
To compare the Chief and Freeman, looking at their respective universes (expanded ones)... the Chief completely overpowers Freeman in sheer strength because of the supersoldier thing going for him (training/augmentation involving strength and intellect). There's really no denying this, if the two universes were somehow merged.
In terms of tools, Gordon's gravity could be something against the Chief. Although, the MJOLNIR suit is a number of tons, if I recall. The gravity gun could drive back cars but couldn't pick them up.
In terms of assets, Gordon is really alone (from the Orange Box onwards) because as good as Dog is, the citizens from City 17 don't have a Naval fleet, I'm pretty sure.
In gameplay, though, the Chief is nothing special. All he has going for him is his shield. But to be fair, Gordon's superior logic doesn't help much in combat. There's really no thinking involved other than his physics puzzles. Then like the Chief, it's about unloading as much lead as possible into the Combine soldiers.
Half Life is a great series for sure, don't get me wrong. But these characters appear as their creators made them. You cannot *realistically* compare the Chief to someone like Kratos. Or Price to the Chief. And so on. Then we realise there's no perfect way to compare characters because it turns into a popularity contest in the end.
Gordon freeman! definitely once hae has the advanced grav gun hed pick chief up and throw him around :P
But what if chief sticks freeman on his way out? then they both die.
The gravity gun with the reversed polarity would pwn Master Chief.
Let's be serious here, Freeman can basically do anything he wants with the Combine when he has that souped up gravity gun.
Chief's suit has nothing that could back him up against the Gravity gun.
Nonetheless, Half-Life vets would tell Halo vets that the Hazard Suit, regardless of the lack of helmet, is very effective and enhances Freeman in a variety of ways.
Take into account that Chief may have super strength, but Freeman has increased speed (via the Hazard Suit).
And let's face it, if Chief tried to crush Freeman with his hands, Freeman would whip out that trusty crowbar... and well.
I'm going with Freeman, simply because of the gravity gun.
We need another Ultimate Battle of Ultimate Destiny, this time for video games to clear up all of these arguments haha.
Master Chief vs. Gordon Freeman vs. Commander Sheppard vs. Marcus Fenix vs. Captain Price vs. Samus Aran vs. Niko Bellic vs. Dante vs. Mario vs. Sonic vs. John ****in Madden. Now that would be the ultimate video game battle.
Gordon Freeman, because he's such a badazz dude. He'll stick that crobar right through Master Chief's helmet. And he'll kidnap Cortana.Elann2008
who do you think would wingta4_2112
OMG how many halo fanboys made more than one gamespot account to vote for this. Halo is complete garbage compared to HL and any other fps for that matter.
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