I am getting Bound by Flame what about you guys? personally dont have enough money for the others..
the other 2 heavy hitters are Watch Dogs & Wolfenstein
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Nothing for May.
I'm liking the looks of Enemy Front, scheduled for early June, looks like a WWII Hitman game, involving stealth and sabotage approaches.
I'll probably rent Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein. Watch Dogs looked pretty good a while back but for some reason it just doesn't seem all that interesting anymore. I've been burned by Wolfensteins before so I'll take a wait and see attitude with the new one.
None of them interest me in the slightest. My Xbone is waiting for exclusives.
Sandbox and FPS are played out for me, so I may pick these games up if they get incredible scores and I will wait till Xmas when they are $20. If they don't get great scores, I'll never bother. My backlog will continue being played.
I wish I was more excited, but I was burned by Ubi and Wolfenstein before.
I'm pretty much just playing Dark Souls until Destiny comes out. So far none of the games for the One have been anything too exciting. I'm not going to waste the money right now. I'll probably pick up Dark Souls II after I finish up the first one. Hopefully that'll last me until fall when, hopefully, some good games are released.
I just got Battlefield 4 so I will be playing that most of this month. However i am planning on getting Forza Horizon this week now that I have finally completed Test Drive Unlimited 2.
I picked up Forza 5 which I'm pretty happy with so far. I'm going to play some free games I've gotten through Games for Gold and PS+.
MLB The Show 14 PS4
Mario Kart 8 Wii U
Titanfall DLC XBox One
I didn't get Child of Light last month so I will probably pick it up for PS4 as well.
I will likely not get anything this month for exam reasons and me not wanting to fail said exams but once they are over, I'll definitely be looking into Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein.
I have just got a PS3 for the first time as well so I'm going to have a look through some of the exclusives on there. Playing through The Last of Us right now. So Killzones, God of Wars, Uncharted, Ni No Kuni, Gran Turismo, Demon Souls.
I got some Final Fantasies on Vita and a bunch of older PC games which shouldn't take too long. I recon that should get me through till about September including any games I pick up in the Steam sales which is basically inevitable.
Then later this year I'll be getting either a PS4 or Xbox One depending on what games they announce at E3 and if anything ground breaking gets announced.
Probably my last summer in formal education so I'm going to savour it while it lasts!
4 days before wolfenstein is released.
Lol, start a countdown thread bro.
Have u got the game yet?
Not yet didn't have time today, most likely tomorrow. How about you bro?
So far in may I've brought:
Have Watchdogs about paid off, but I am trading stuff in to knock down the price of Wolfenstein a bit.
4 days before wolfenstein is released.
Lol, start a countdown thread bro.
Have u got the game yet?
Not yet didn't have time today, most likely tomorrow. How about you bro?
yes i've got the game but i haven't played it yet.
4 days before wolfenstein is released.
Lol, start a countdown thread bro.
Have u got the game yet?
Not yet didn't have time today, most likely tomorrow. How about you bro?
yes i've got the game but i haven't played it yet.
Tell me what you think of it, interested to know.
about 8 days ago i got a £40 steam voucher to pre order this as i won on horses so i thought i would buy something. Instead i bought a load of indie games as you do lol. But tomorrow i am going to get another £45 voucher to order the deluxe edition as just won again and instead of chucking it back to bookies i will buy this instead. For defo this time as only a couple of days to wait. :D
@solarplex: Maybe Watch Dogs. I'm still up in the air on that though. Will get Wolfenstein after the price drops sometime at the end of the year. I'll definitely get the FREE GWG games in June (Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Halo: Spartan Assault) It sucks that you can't keep these games like you can with XBox 360.
Can't wait until tomorrow, picking up my copy of Watch Dogs day 1 (Australian release). I can't wait to see what Gamespot scores it, I hope it doesn't bomb lol.
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