Man, Kids are dumb.
Look, recently a number of people became victims of social engineering over xbox live, meaning that they were targeted and asked questions in such a manner as to get them to reveal enough of their account information so that the person responsible would be able to take over their xbox live account. Microsoft I'm sure has made the assumption that the younger the person behind the account, the more susceptible they are to such ploys. I agree whole heartedly, this is simply a way for microsoft to cover their backs from having another explosion over "xbox live accounts being hacked". Like any corporation, they'd rather put up with the unified sobbing of a bunch of kids who can't use one service, than the hounding and persecution of media who think they're entire online system was compromised.
If you expect anything other than the age detection process to change, you're insane, well maybe not insane, you're probably just a dumb kid with alot of growing up to do. Got a problem with it? Use your PC for instant messaging, either that or use the IM service that's already built into xbox live.
"OH NOES I R BEEN DESKRIMEN8D AGANST" No you're not, you're having your account protected. Much like when you're parents tell you to be in before dark, but no-one starts a petition over that. Pfft. Darn kids.
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