I've been a Microsoft console owner since 2002, I'm not a fanboy, I own Sony and Nintendo current and previous gen hardware too, but I'm a big supporter of Microsoft and the Xbox, I even gladly upgraded to an Elite on the day they launched even though I already owned a premium 360. This isn't going to be an I hate Microsoft thread. However it will be an I am so frustrated and pissed at Microsft thread.
They have completely ruined my Holiday gaming season. Which is important to me since I save up vacation and have about 3 weeks off over the holidays, and my wife and I just game like crazy, among other things. But this year, Microsoft has outdone the Grinch and stole my Christmas.
I had a launch Elite, took super good care of it, and a couple weeks ago, the disc drive started making this extra loud shuffling/searching noise, and a couple days ago, it just stopped working, No RRoD, no DREs up till that point, nothing. I put any disc in game/orginal xbox game/DVD/CD, any of the above and the door shuts, and nothing, it doesn't spin up, it doesn't load nothing. I tried toggling the autorun or whatever it's called and still nothing. I tried everything.
I have a BB replacement plan, so I figure I'll take it in, and boom I'll get a new Falcon Elite and get a value bundle with Forza, so I go in to Best Buy, and to my horror, I am told that the Elites are out of stock, have been for more than 2 weeks, and that they may not get any in until after New Year.
So I did some research on my own to see if another store had one, no, no Best Buy in my area has any, not that it would help me out, but either does the website or Amazon, or Gamestops in my area, no Elites anywhere around me. I understand MS wanting to make the value Bundle limited, buy why in the hell couldn't they release it alongside the non bundled consoles? Whats worst, is that this console has been out for two years now, and MS still couldn't judge demand.
I understand the Wii being hard to find, right from the gate, it blew away expectations for sales, and Nintendo still hasn't been able to keep up or get ahead of the demand. I get that. But MS has had reserves of stock on the 360 for almost 18 months, and the Elite has been readily available since shortly after launch. How can a company like MS misjudge demand so badly after this amount of time, to the point when major retailers are running out of stock well before Christmas both in stores and online? This is almost inexcusable to me.
Alright, so you say just shut up and deal with it through MS's warranty. Been there and done that. In a desperate move, I figured I might as well call them up and see if I can get a repair or replacement. It will void my BB warranty, but atleast I'll have a working console. What do they tell me? Because it suffered a component failure and no RRoD was triggered, my console will need extra service time to deduce the problem, that combined with the Holiday rush and all, my estimated time for repair or replacement would be 6 - 10 weeks. So almost Feb before I would have my console back? That is so wrong.
So I buy a near $500 dollar console, and little more than 7 months later despite perfect care, it fails, and because of poor quality construction, poor sales estimates and poor customer relations, I've got to go through the entire Holiday season without a console, unless I want to go fork over another $450 and buy a new console.
Thanks for ruining Christmas Microsoft.
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