The story gamespot keeps deleting!!!
so everyone knows about the three red lights issue with the 360. thats #1. bad product design that has led to some people having to buy another 360. yeah u could get it replaced but what of the people not living in the us? after doing research, i discovered that it would cost me about the same to buy a new 360 then to send it to good ol' MS. those bastards...
now here's one you will absolutely LOVE. so i'm playing on my SECOND 360 (which i also had to BUY) when those damn red lights start flashing. well im not going to send it to microsoft since the shipping & handling will pretty much rape my wallet. and i cant buy a new one since my walets ass is still sore from the rape it recieved from the first 360 purchase. after weeks of no 360, i went on the net to research do it yourself fixes for my crap box. so i took it apart and did the fix, and turned it on while it was taken apart. strangely it signed in to xbox live and i started a private chat with a friend but after 5 minutes it froze and the 3 red lights came back so i said **** it and stuffed the whole thing in a box.
fast forward a month later....and guess what? i find out that if you log in to xbox live without a dvd drive pluged in, you get banned from xbox live because they think you are a modder...and i called up the customer support and sure enough i was banned.
but wait...they dont ban your XBOX LIVE account, no no. they ban your 360. they calim its so you can keep playing on a different console.
now wait a mother ****ing second. if ur 360 is banned, there's no fixing it. You're never going online with that system ever again. so whats left? buying another 360. those idiots thought that we would prefer to replace a 300+ dollar system than a 7 dollar/month account. not really sure if its 7 but its still cheaper than a brand new box. and now i HAVE to buy a third 360 for trying to fix my second one because they sold all of us a piece of crap to beggin with. its like a master plan to screw everyone over for our money...
its amazing they can do this and keep a straight face.
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