5 GB of SLOW RAM available for games compared to 7 GB of fast GDDR5 RAM on the PS4.Has half the power on the GPU of the PS4.Lots and lots of multiplat games.Most exclusives are kinect dancing games.$499 starting price. My Microsoft stocks are gonna go up a lot this November. Thanks, soccer moms and kids!!! You guys are the new core.
5 GB of SLOW RAM available for games compared to 7 GB of fast GDDR5 RAM on the PS4.Has half the power on the GPU of the PS4.Lots and lots of multiplat games.Most exclusives are kinect dancing games.$499 starting price. My Microsoft stocks are gonna go up a lot this November. Thanks, soccer moms and kids!!! You guys are the new core.CallOfDutyRulezYou didnt watch the conference,go away troll.MS had an excellent show,there was no kinect.
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