Here are the latest rumored leaks from our beloevd Modern warfare 2. i thought this might be a nice thing to share with you guys, but if this has been posted before FLAME me FLAME as much as you can.
Modern Warfare 2 Latest Leaks.
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This sounds too good to be true! :)xL33TxTALENTx
April fools! Seriously i don't believe any info on april fools day.
Still just speculation i think but i'd be nice to see all that.
Only thing that didn't sound so great was the full auto shotgun. Seems like their asking for balencing issues with that one.
Agreed, I don't see any need for them to add too many new guns either. Just a few new perks, take a few out, and throw in pistol attachments and achievements and I'm happy :)Still just speculation i think but i'd be nice to see all that.
Only thing that didn't sound so great was the full auto shotgun. Seems like their asking for balencing issues with that one.
Still just speculation i think but i'd be nice to see all that.
Only thing that didn't sound so great was the full auto shotgun. Seems like their asking for balencing issues with that one.
Yeah in BF:BC they're way too strong. I remember taking out like 8 guys while hiding in a bush with it lol. It was all under like one minute too they're just way too strong.
sounds like a lot of the same to me. kinda like madden, release a new game every year with little improvement.
dont get me wrong, i'm still going to buy this. i just want something new, like a future warfare game:shock:
Alien Terrorist co-op mode? Is this Infinity Ward's answer to Treyarch's zombie nazi mode?UT_WrestlerIf it's real then yeah i guess. No reason not to implement a successful feature, Treyarch used Infinity Ward's entire competitive MP structure with a few minor tweaks, why can't infinity ward do the same?
all that sounds good, but i think it would be cool to unlock like new outfits, to make your guy look like a bamf.TheBigTicket21I would really like to see character customization.
This has to be false. For one its on April fool's day, and the AA-12 would unbalance the game to hell.
[QUOTE="UT_Wrestler"]Alien Terrorist co-op mode? Is this Infinity Ward's answer to Treyarch's zombie nazi mode?vendettared468If it's real then yeah i guess. No reason not to implement a successful feature, Treyarch used Infinity Ward's entire competitive MP structure with a few minor tweaks, why can't infinity ward do the same?
all that sounds good, but i think it would be cool to unlock like new outfits, to make your guy look like a bamf.TheBigTicket21I would really like to see character customization. RSV2 was so graphically dry because of all the customization from what i have heard. So i guess unless we want to see some terrabad graphics on MW2 we can't keep our hopes to high. The 360 really doesn't have the graphics capabilities
[QUOTE="xL33TxTALENTx"]This sounds too good to be true! :)craigalan23
April fools! Seriously i don't believe any info on april fools day.
I dont either :lol:wait? wha..? ..alien terrorists? ugh, ..its a april fools joke... come on admit it..:(BIOSHOCKER98what;s wrong with an alien mode waw has nazi zombies?
The list shown is something that EVERY cod4 player would dream of...but why would infinity ward make so many announcements at once? They created an entire trailer filled with tiny secrets and easter eggs, and waited for the world to carefully decipher it. I REALLY hope this is true...that alien terrorist mode sounds promising (however cheesy)...
I don't think thats quite possible yet. Give it a month.i really just want some ACTUAL gameplay footage
EDIT: NOOOOO auto-shotty:(
Hahaha If it wasn't april 1st I would have believed the alien terrorist thing :p It's so ridiculous that it could actually work! The dude said it was april 2nd there, but the site said april 1st... I believe the site :p Saying it's april 2nd on an april 1st post is brilliant! paulokoenigkamWell the zombie nazi mode sounded too ridiculous to be true also.
april fools or not i would not mind them adding the two attachment thing, or the nice amount of maps, or even the guns. Plo_Koon_basicDude EVERYONE would have red dot and silencer. You would never see anyone on the radar, it would be sooo cheap. It's an awful idea.
The alien terrorist thing stinks of arpil fools. However I'm hoping that the rest of the details may end up. I would love a psg-1 and a .44 magnum.
people will be disappointed, i can guarantee it, just look at gears 2 and halo 2, this game will not please everyonechaoscougar1Gears 2 had a better story, larger selection of weapons, and introduced horde mode. Halo 2 added dual wielding and online multiplayer. Both got VERY high review scores. Those really aren't good examples of disappointing sequels.
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