Hi people
i have a 20inch box tv and i'am really pissed off!
It is not small at all but texture sucks!it must be 640x480 or anything. It hurts to read something.so i decided to buy a new tv or monitor.
I don't have much money so i decided to buy a monitor. i saw a good monitor yesterday. it was 22inch. it is big enough tough , but what can i expect from it? which one is better?VGA or DVI?
give me advice if you own a monitor.
Try to find one that does1920×1080 res which is 1080p and there is no real difference from which I can tell from VGA and DVI. Also keep in mind you're going to need to buy a converter for it to work on your 360. You're also going to need another small converter to hook up the sound. If you don't want to mess with that you could get aHDMI supported monitor and use a HDMI cable to connect the two. Just make sure the 360 has the jack for it. Also if you plan on using a HDMI cable the sound will only come from your monitor.
Full kit here.
Best place to buy them would be compusa or bestbuy. You could most likely find a cheaper one at compusa's website or newegg.
If you're feeling cheap you could just get one that does 720p only which is1280x720 res. I believe it's really hard to tell the difference between 720 and 1080p. I have a 42inch tv and I can't tell the difference, also just about all 360 games are made in 720p and under, only a few ones are actually 1080p.
Paying for 1080p on a monitor is a waste. Unless you're getting something bigger than a 37-inch you're not going to notice any difference unless you're sitting 2 inches away from it. And yeah... most games don't even run in 1080p
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