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I gotta go with GTA's one of the only games that truly angers me when I fail on missions...but that's a good thing for the most part..Brewhawk
I think Rockstar Games made GTA IV easier than it's predecessors. At least, that's what I think. Missions this time around seem to be a lot easier.
Most frustrating game on the 360 in terms of difficulty would have to go to Turok. With the lack of savepoints, you find yourself repeating the same frustrating parts over when you die. At times, I wanted to throw my controller on the wall out of frustration (exaggeration). On the other hand, it was rather satisfying because it was rewarding after several attempts and multiple deaths.
N+ is ridiculously frustrating! Just when you think youve made it, a homing missile cathes up, or you hit a mine.
COD2/3/4 on Veteran can be pretty challenging as well.
DOA4... the boss. One more hit and shes done and she pulls off a 10hit combo on you. Stupid B!t
The Darkness (WTF am I supposed to do?! Where am I supposed to go!?)
Assassin's Creed (So...Boring...Getting...Flags...JUST LET ME ASSASSINATE SOMEONE ALREADY!)
Lost Odyssey (OMGZ! WHERE IS THE F***ING CHECK POINT! Oh snap I just lost that uber hard boss fight, now I have to repeat the last 30 minutes...)
All of those games are still good, but those bits really kicked me in the balls.
DOA 4 was my first thought, then i remembered Mortal Kombat 3, wtf??? I can't get through it on novice, I used to own that game when I was playing it on the SNES.
Lost odyssey is one of my fvourites, but the random battles are so outdated and I get a dam schock everytime I get thrown into battle, it just throws the whole game off balance. This concept was alright in the Final fantasy days, but they seriously need to move on.
The most frustrating game has to be GH3.
The most frustrating part of a game is NFS Carbon, where you have to run from the cops in a dump truck. If you hit a wall, they will box you in, and you can't push any of them out of the way. Come on, how can a Pontiac GTO stop a dump truck????
Looking at my games played on xbox and the pet peeves I've had with them;
Army of Two on Professional, especially with A.I. Team mate. Die Die Die....
R6V2 on normal, whole game- especially when on solo missions. And not knowing what was going on from the start until the very end.
Burnout when you're kicking ass then you crash or get taking out yards from the finish or just missing the Gold in timed races.
Darkness. As great as the game was there was a lot of times when I had to look at to find where to go next.
Dead Rising, horrible save system and always getting run down by the guys on the truck in the courtyard.
I've got to add that I have much love for CoD4, but this game is inexplicably difficult on Veteran. 1.) if they knew anything about real hajjis, they'd know that they are usually terrible fighters in close quarters (pray and spray) 2.) why does a guy have to memorize enemy locations, pray, and still have to get lucky after the 10th try - and breaking **** - to pass one segment of a stage? 3.) why the fudge am I getting shot - from within a chopper, mind you - by hajjis who are 250 meters away? wouldn't my chopper just go down?
Next time, buckle down your A.I. some, Treyarch and Infinity Ward.
Devil May Cry 4 can be very, very frustrating if you are trying to play it first time through on Devil Hunter without 'Automatic' turned on. I made it to level 14 Dante Must Die mode in the original Devil May Cry on PS2 and still I am finding DMC4 (especially the secret missions) frustrating to the point I have to turn the 360 off before I end up punching its ring of lights out.
Dying towards the end of a level and then been offered the services of a continue makes for a difficult choice for someone who considers themselves a DMC veteran and I feel dirty every time I reluctantly accept its proposal. Fortunately, I like taking showers. 8)
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