Ok first off let me say that up until last night I had NEVER muted anyone on Live. I for the most part have always just endured the smack talk of individuals or just bailed out of a game if it was too annoying. But last night ....I discovered the "mute player" option. I mean I knew it was there ...but I had never actually tried it. Not too mention I for whatever reason had never thought of it as being a mute the individual rather than the whole game. So I never muted cause wrongly I thought I wouldn't be able to talk to others, etc. Yeah, I know...silly of me to have thought that was the case...but what can I say. I just really hadn't looked into the feature that completely.
Let me just say .....I LOVE THE MUTE FUNCTIONALITY OF LIVE! I had some punk kid screaming and singing during a session of COD3. I was completely angry at the 12yr old brat ....and had I been in front of him...I would have beat him down physically...he irritated that much. Anyway, I think I was more irritated because I really had been enjoying that room up until the little puke started to spout off. I was really frustrated because now I was feeling the need to leave the room cause I couldn't take it anymore...then I remembered...you can mute individuals. In a matter of seconds my experience went back to gaming bliss as I muted the little turd.
I know this is not a "new" function of LIVE. Many of you probably use it, but for me it was one of those things I knew was there but hadn't ever used it before. Using it last night was like discovering a brand new function on LIVE....and it really made a big difference. I left my gaming session happier than I have in a long time...all because of this simple yet GREAT game enhancing feature.
Thanks for the time...I just had to throw some props LIVE's way after last night.
You just gotta love LIVE!
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