My Xbox 360 Story
I bought my Xbox 360 in September of 2007 and I've enjoyed it ever since. But then, to my surprise, my Xbox 360 crashed on three different occasions with the "Red Rings of Death," "error codes," and two red flashing lights caused by "overheating."
I purchased my Xbox 360 because I wanted to play Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and any other titles that looked interesting. My experience with my Xbox 360 was great. I enjoyed every game that I played, and my friends from church liked it as well. However, my 360 decided to crash about 2 ½ months ago with the "Red Rings of Death." Of course, it was very frustrating because by this time I bought one year of Xbox Live, four wireless controllers, and a wireless adapter. So I sent in my 360 to get "fixed."
One month later I got my Xbox 360 back. I was happy and ready to play some Halo. I hooked everything up and it all ran smoothly for at least two days. Then, as my little brother was playing COD4:MW, the characters began having blotches all over them and the color kept fading. So I went upstairs to check it out, and try to play the Battlefield demo, and my Xbox 360 started freezing. I was upset. I turned it off and put in Halo 3. It played for two minutes then it gave me "error codes" and froze. So, once again, I sent in for another order and had to wait for another month.
My package arrived and had complete confidence that it wouldn't crash. I plugged everything in and configured some of my settings. Halo 3 was ready, as I began to download "Cold Storage." All the sudden my Xbox 360's fans got really loud and it shut off having two red flashing lights. I was very angry. I couldn't believe that for the third time my Xbox 360 would crash. I researched it, thinking that I could troubleshoot the issue. said that it could be "overheating problems" and that I should unplug everything, let it rest for at least two hours in a ventilated area, then try it again. I did all the steps and processes, only to have it keep "overheating." My frustration was very high so I called Xbox customer support. They let me talk to manager, surprisingly, and he told me that they'd fix it in a week's time, instead of a month, and he personally guaranteed that it would be fixed when I received it. So now I'm waiting for the box.
Finally, my whole point in writing this is to tell everyone my horrible experience with my Xbox 360. I also wanted to hear people's opinions on what I should do if it still doesn't work when I get it back. Honestly, when my third Xbox 360 broke I wanted a full refund for everything I bought, controllers and all, and I wanted to deck out my PS3 and Wii. I'm not a fan boy, and I'm not bashing the Xbox 360, I just wanted to tell my story for laugh's, and hear your stories if you have any.
In conclusion, I know this paper wasn't very organized. I'm not really paying attention to my organization, but I just wanted to get my story across, so please be understanding.
Thanks, ACE.
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