Okay, so tonight I went to Futureshop to purchase a brand new Xbox 360 Pro w/60GB HDD. Recently my 360 got the E74 Error message, and since this was my fourth 360, I figured I'd just go buy a new one and hope for the Jasper chip. Anyways, I get my new 360 home tonight and get it all hooked up, noticing during the process that it's missing some of the packaging (plastic bag around the console, and plastic bag around the power-source) which I found odd. Well, I start the console and notice that it's already got some stuff saved to the console, just things that you'd only get when hooked to Xbox live (avatar data, etc), and after deleting that crap I noticed it only had 13.9GB's free, and there was nothing else saved to the HDD, which clearly mean't I got a 20GB HDD rather than the 60GB HDD I had purchased. Then I look at the controller which was still in it's bag, and the right thumb-stick was broke, just laying limp to the side.
Now I'm ticked off, so I re-package the system and make the drive back to Futureshop and get there about 10 minutes before they close. At the customer service counter this older lady scans the system and tells me the serial number doesn't match what's on my receipt, and calls over a manager. He then tells me that because the serial numbers don't match, they are not willing to exchange the system. I explain all that's wrong with the system, and stand there arguing with him for a good 10 minutes, and he continues to accuse me of basically pulling the 'bait & switch routine', which is not the case whatsoever. After basically calling me a thief and a liar, he tells me he'll have his customer service manager call me on Monday afternoon to see what they can do for me. Oh, and to top it all off, he told me his co-worker spent the entire day today dealing with me, arguing about my broken 360. However, I've been at work all day until 5pm, and then went for dinner with my family afterwards, and stopped to pickup the 360 because it was next to the restaurant, and have had no prior contact with the store or it's employees until later in the evening when I bought the 360. So clearly he's BSing me, or he's got me confused with another customer.
Anyways, I just needed to rant to other gamers, hopefully some who'll understand where I'm coming from. And finally my tip, before leaving the store with your new 360 (or other electronics), confirm the serial number matches what they have on your receipt, something I never thought of doing until it was too late.
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