Well a few days back I found myself once again looking at the Playseat Evolution racing setups, they looked really nice, only thing I didn't like was the $300 price tag. So I did what any buget consincious person would do, I used my controller, lol jk, I built my own. I figured with the 360 MS wheel and speakers buying the whole setup would be over $500, instead I built my own setup for $197.
Wood, drill, chop saw, power hand saw, nails, L brackets, nuts, bolts, screws, paint: around $60
1 set of Logitech 5.1 Speakers:$50Â
1 Ak Rocker Gaming Chair: $60 at Best Buy
Like new MS 360 wheel and pedals on ebay: $87 shipped (there arrive this week)Â
First I had to go to Home Depot, this place had everything I needed and thus far I've made 4 trips there,lol.
The frame itself is made out of 2x2's, there under $2 each, and provide good support for this project
I paneled the sides with some thin board, and used a thicker hard board for the bottom. I nailed everything together, was going to use screwes but figured the wood would crack. To reinforce the frame I used L brackets on most of the pieces, this way it would hold up better as time goes on. For the wheel table I used a piece of hard board, door hinges, and these cool slot hinges, this way the entire table can be adjusted. After paneling the frame I used black satin paint to paint the racing setup.Â
Originally I wasn't going to add speakers but later figured this would actually be pretty cool, with the speakers under the unit it would seem as if sounds were coming from an engine. I zip tied the speakers in place, may want to use them again one day for something else, and made a holder for the subwoofer.
I still need to touch up some areas, redo the speaker wiring, get some more zip ties for the speakers (and clip them), and install the wheel and pedals. Overall I'm really happy the way it turned out, its pretty strong and should stand up to those Forza 2 beatings,lol. Plus itsalways fun building your own setups, and its cool to do a project that involves building something in general.
I know this isn't as nice as a Playseat Evolution but I didn't want to spend over $500 for a similar yet fancier setup. Let me know what you think, thanks!
I'm about 95% done, still have a few things left to do.
 Frame almost done
 L brackets for reinforcement
 Ready to panel!
 Speakers, need to get some more zip ties to complete this part, and I'll clean up the wiring.
 Side view
 Front view
Not really part of the project but I just got my new TV, 37" WS LCD, will be playing Forza 2 on this baby! Â
Now the only thing to do is clean the basement, its gonna be a while,lol.Â
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