i dont have a clue bout routers but i jus moved to the upstairs at my house and want 2 play sum xbox live but my computer is downstairs. do i need a special router??
I am assuming you want to go wireless with your router and not have cables running all over the house? All you have to to is purchase a wireless router (Linksys is my fav) and an xbox live wireless adapter. The router gets hooked up to the PC that you have attatched to the internet & the adapter will go on your 360. Most routers these days are very easy to set up, make sure to read all the instructions thoroughly and do not skip steps. Ask a sales person from where you purchase it if you have any questions. So no, you do not need a "special" router, a decent one will run you about $40-$60. It's the xbox adapter that is a pain in the butt costing $100, ugh.
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