Hi all, sorry if I'm in the wrong section, but I have become pretty frustrated with my halo 2. Recently i have decided to try to play Halo 2 again and when everything is loaded and i am ready to sign into my account, it isn't there. So what I'm asking is; is there any specific reason that my xbox 360 account isn't showing up for me to select to sign in on the Halo 2 main menu? I mean, there are about 8 other accounts that show up, but they aren't very useful to me since they are all expired and have reverted back to silver membership. Any thoughts or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Just to recap and to make sure all of you understand what im asking... I turn on my xbox 360 -> sign into my main account -> put in halo 2 -> halo 2 is loaded -> at the main menu where there is a list of accounts i can select that will allow me to play on xbox live; my main account isn't found. What is found however is 8 accounts that have no use to me because they can't access xbox live. I hope that cealrs up any problems you guys were experiencing with my question.
dont sign into ur account. u cant play it with ur acount because ur account is for the 360 not for halo 2 which is a xbox game.com so just create a now profile on the main menu of halo 2.
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